The Evolution of NEXUS The Nexus filtration System has proved itself to be the most successful Koi Filter in the World. Innovative design and the use of cutting edge technology has produced a product that is proudly used by Koi keepers the world over. Now the Nexus has just got better!!!! The Nexus 310 and 210 incorporate new features, designed to make Nexus even more efficient at waste removal, even easier to clean, and even more convenient to use AND EVEN BETTER CLARITY!!! The All New Eazy – that is the solids removal chamber, has been redesigned from the bottom up. It is bigger, allowing for better flow of water through the static K1. This means that the Nexus removes more of the suspended solids, and is even better at producing the clarity demanded by the koi keeper!! The one way valve that is now attached to the outlet of the Eazy, has made cleaning easier, taking away the need to have the black pipe bung as in previous models. The improved water flow also means more efficient cleaning of the Static K1. The Eazy is now covered by a clear lid, this ensures that the precise amount of K1 media is always present with the Eazy chamber, and none can escape. If the Nexus owner had to make any compromise in the past, it was that in times of heavy feeding, or perhaps if blanket weed was being removed, then the Eazy could fill up with debris, and water could overflow the filter, or potentially starve the pump. Nexus 310 and Nexus 210 owners no longer have to Compromise!!!! In pump fed operation, the Nexus has an Overflow and in gravity fed operation, a Bypass, which mean that if you need to leave the filter for longer than you normally would in between cleaning then the water can now bypass or overflow out of the filter and back into your pond. The filter will continue to work as normal, but the excess water will bypass/overflow back into the pond. Nexus by Evolution Aqua, filtration for the discerning Koi keeper!!!!